To integrate it into your existing website, you just have to copy/paste the script you received when you registered the chat
script looks like:
<script src='></script>
where id is your id script and uniqueKey is a token.
Notice that you can also integrate a direct link to you chat:
If you have lost your data, just login into your panel admin and you can retrieve these data from there
How to change the dimension of the chat ?
chat uses iframe to be embedded into your site. The idea is so to included that iframe into your existing element (div) and it will take 100% of that element.
ex: I want the chat to be 640px width and 480px height: just create a div of 640px x 480px and embed the script inside !
<div style="width:640px;height:480px"><script src='></script></div>
Question: I have my website ready and I manage my users by myself. How to integrate it with my existing database ?
This is possible with HTML5 chat!
Question: How to encrypt data when using html5-chat ?
You can encrypt user data using the library. Read the whole tutorial on how to encrypt data
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